
Sunday, May 27, 2007

How to Achieve Financial Freedom Ideas by Alison Bolger

A passion of mine is researching how to achieve financial freedom ideas. I have looked at many sources of information and attended all sorts of seminars. Then one day I stumbled across an advertisement on the internet for an e-book titled "What I Didn't Learn At School But Wish I Had" by a guy called Jamie McIntyre. The title alone instantly grabbed my attention as I felt I could really relate to it. I don't know about you but I often felt that most of what I had learned at school was of no real value to me in everyday life. Anyway my curiosity was aroused so I downloaded the free e-book and after reading the first few pages, instantly realized how much this could benefit people. The more I read the more I wished I had learned all this at school myself. I kept imagining how different everyone's lives could be if they'd had this knowledge at a young age. However, as they say you are never too old to learn, so if you are looking for a how to wealth system then this is it. The key to achieving financial freedom is to have multiple sources of income and best of all to have your money work for YOU not the other way around. You need to look for ways that you can make money while you sleep, in other words automatically without constantly using up your valuable time and energy. What would be the point in creating wealth if you didn't have time to enjoy the benefits? Today we need to look at ways to work smarter not harder. Instead of spending day-in day-out plodding along on a treadmill for a measly pay-cheque that barely covers the cost of day to day living we need to get smart with our money. How many of us know that we are capable of doing more than what we currently do? Stop and really think about it for a moment. Are you doing all that you are capable of? Maybe you don't know the first thing about investing in property or shares or running your own business but I bet you are more than capable of learning! Sure, learning something new takes a bit of effort but isn't it worth it in the long run? What's the saying? A little short term pain for long term gain. In his book Jamie covers everything you need to know about financial intelligence and emotional intelligence. Strategies on how to buy property with virtually no money down. 8 steps to start you on the path to becoming a millionaire and many, many more ways to achieve financial freedom ideas. It's easy to understand and filled with strategies to help you sort out exactly where your finances are now and where you would like them to be. You can also get a free DVD on What I Didn't Learn At School But Wish I Had. On this DVD Jamie gives you a taste of all the different ways you can create unlimited wealth by attending his 21st Century Academy seminars. I personally have attended 3 of the 21st Century Academy seminars which have opened my eyes up to a wealth of information. They include speakers presenting their strategies on numerous methods of share trading. The many variations on different types of property investment. You can learn from the experts how to develop your own internet business, plus many more ideas on how to manage your finances. Even though I am well and truly on my way to achieving my goal, which is to create unlimited wealth in all areas of my life, I still found Jamie's information invaluable, and would recommend everyone attend one of his seminars or at least read What I Didn't Learn At School But Wish I Had. And the best part of all this is that anyone can do this. You don't need to be an expert you just need to get expert advice. If you would like to learn more about how to create unlimited wealth get your free DVD at 21st Century Academy. About the Author Alison has been studying and teaching self improvement and wealth creation including teaching business and personal development for over 20 years. Alison's passion is researching and sharing the resources and knowledge she has acquired. For more info as well as free tips, articles and links to other inspirational sites plus a Free DVD or EBook visit LearnWealthySecrets

Monday, May 21, 2007

Planning for financial independence in later life

STAYING INDEPENDENT Planning for financial independence in later life TAKING STOCK As retirement approaches, it is important for every household to assess its financial identity (assess its finances). Waiting too long might mean missing one or more opportunities to preserve maximum financial independence in the future. To help get you started, can you say 'Yes' to the following statements? YES NO We talk regularly and frankly about finances and agree on our goals and the lifestyle we will prefer as we get older. We know our sources of income after retirement how much to expect from each, and when. We save according to plan and are shifting from growth-producing to safe income-producing investments. We know where our health insurance will come from after retirement and what it will cover. We have reviewed our life insurance and considered options such as converting to cash or investments. We each have our own credit history. We each have a current will or living trust. We know where we plan to live in retirement. We have anticipated the tax consequences of our retirement plans and of passing assets on to our heirs. Our children or other responsible relations know where our important documents are and whom to contact if there are questions. We have executed legal documents, such as a living will or power of attorney, specifying our instructions in case of death or incapacitating illness. THE KEY IS PLANNING 'If only I’d known then what I know now ....' Looking to the future is key to financial planning at any age, but especially in the decade or so before retirement. For many households, retirement is a time to fulfill dreams and delayed ambitions. It also can be a time of anxiety if you postpone thinking realistically about the ways your financial identity will change--income, savings, investments, credit, insurance, job benefits, and perhaps living arrangements. Meeting the challenge of financial management will help remove uncertainty and increase your available options. Both partners need to be involved in retirement planning and may wish to discuss their plans with adult children. Many people neglect planning. Some prefer to leave financial decisions to the other partner, while others simply find it too difficult to talk about money. Whatever the reason, if you have not yet begun planning, you may want to seek pre-retirement planning advice from a professional or a community service organization. LOOKING AHEAD The decade before retirement is a good time to take inventory of assets and obligations and make financial choices aimed at maximizing future resources. These years are typically a peak earning period and they offer the chance to reduce major debts, such as a home mortgage, and increase savings and income-producing investments. Households faring the combined expenses of educating children and caring for aging parents may find saving difficult during pre-retirement years. In these cases, making a realistic financial appraisal is more useful. These are questions you might ask yourselves: * What are our sources of retirement income and how much will each provide-monthly or in a lump sum? * Social Security * Pensions, IRAs, Keoghs * Savings and investments * Sale of assets * Home equity Find out all the options for receiving your pension benefits and whether they are insured. Find out if pension benefits will be reduced if you receive Social Security. Read carefully and consider the consequences of signing any documents relating to a reduction in spousal pension benefits. One of you may need this income if the other dies. When estimating how much income can be expected from these and other sources, remember to take inflation, taxes, and market fluctuations into account. Depending on your anticipated income potential, you may decide to postpone retirement a few years, or plan to work part-time. * Is our health insurance adequate for retirement? The cost of serious or long-term illness is a major burden for many older Americans because Medicare does not cover all health care costs. If you consider buying 'medigap' insurance to supplement Medicare, shop carefully for a policy that supplements rather than duplicates Medicare coverage. Long-term health insurance for nursing home or home health care is new. Examine all the terms of any such policy before you buy. MANAGING WHAT YOU OWN AND WHAT YOU OWE Professionals say that retirement income should be 60-80 percent of current income to maintain the same Standard of Living. If your financial picture does not correspond to this guideline, you might prepare a budget and a cash flow statement based on income and expenses during the preceding 6 to 12 months in order to identify gaps in income and find ways to cut spending. On the expense side: * List current expenses such as housing, food, health care, transportation costs, and other financial obligations. * Include a contribution to savings. Experts recommend a reserve fund to cover 6 months of basic expenses. * Itemize personal expenses for such things as clothing, travel, entertainment, and hobbies. * Develop habits such as price shopping, menu planning, coupon dipping, and monitoring your use of credit to guard against overspending. On the income side: * Think through contingency plans in case expenses begin to outpace income or one partner becomes seriously ill. * Remember that credit histories in your individual names can be invaluable in retirement, or in the event of widowhood or divorce. Credit can be essential to meet unexpected or emergency expenses. Federal regulations prohibit age and gender discrimination in the granting of credit. Lenders must treat all income alike, whether from employment, retirement benefits, or other reliable sources. Still, it may be easier to get a national credit or charge card in your own name while you are employed. If you have never been employed, you can still build a credit history by becoming an 'authorized user' on your spouse’s account. * Consider selling assets or converting life insurance into cash as another possible way to meet expenses. * Investigate Home Equity Conversion (HEC) as an option if you own or nearly own your home and need money. There are several kinds of home equity conversion loan plans, including Deferred Payment Loans and Reverse Mortgages, where you borrow against home equity and receive monthly or periodic cash payments. Unlike home equity loans or lines of credit, reverse mortgages involve no monthly repayments as long as you live in your home or until a predetermined date. These plans do involve costs for application fees, closing costs, and interest, and they may affect eligibility for public benefits programs such as Medicaid. Generally, you can decide how to spend the money. Reverse mortgage plans are not all the same, so it is important to read the loan documents carefully. Check with a trained HEC counselor, other financial advisor, or an attorney before deciding whether home equity conversion is appropriate. LEGAL MATTERS You can use several legal tools to maintain control over your affairs in later years. These will enable you to decide, while healthy and alert, what you want done in the event of death or disability. Be sure to discuss any arrangements with your survivors to save them from facing difficult decisions and to give them peace of mind, knowing they are complying with your wishes. * Wills--If you do not have a current will, the state, not you, will decide how your assets are divided. Such legal documents as Living or Revocable Trusts offer ways to avoid probate. * Trusts--This device lets you decide who would be responsible for your financial affairs if you became unable to manage them yourself. * Powers of Attorney and Living Wills--Powers of attorney typically assign responsibility for financial matters to another person. Some apply to health care decisions as well. You can use a Power of Attorney or a Living Will to state in advance your wishes in case of an incapacitating or life-threatening illness. Doing so is essential if you want your family to know the circumstances in which you wish to decline life-support measures. RELOCATING OR STAYING PUT Where to live after retirement is a major decision. Perhaps you plan to relocate to a more favorable climate or to be near family. Research the consequences of such a move in terms of the basic cost of living, access to health care, and state and federal tax obligations. If you are considering the advantages and disadvantages of selling your home, whether or not you plan to relocate, these are some questions to ask: * Can we afford monthly payments for mortgage, taxes, utilities, and maintenance? * Will one or both of us be able and willing to take care of the house? * Is the house a suitable place to live as we grow older and less agile? * Will we need to draw on our home equity as a source of income or credit, or would we have more options if we sold the home and invested the proceeds? In addition to owning a home or renting an apartment, a number of other housing options may be available in your community, many of which offer savings on housing expenses. These are some alternatives to consider: * House-sharing for help with chores or added retirement income; * Group living in a private home or one sponsored by a social services agency; * Accessory apartments, or mobile or manufactured homes, including ECHO (Elder Cottage Housing Opportunity) housing which, if zoning laws permit, can be installed on the property of an adult child or other relative; * Condominiums or cooperatives which have the advantages of home ownership without the burden of maintenance; * Retirement communities which may offer companionship, recreation, and sometimes medical and housekeeping services. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS An important part of financial planning is anticipating how to handle bad times. Prudent planning includes learning about public and private benefits programs. In most communities, governmental and private agencies offer services to help care for older persons, such as low-cost medical clinics, home health care, housing options, adult day care, and chore services. The local Social Security Administration office has information about entitlement programs such as Medicaid, disability insurance, food stamps, and Supplemental Security Income. Ask about your state’s Medicaid 'divestment' rules which permit transfers of some assets to other people if done a specified length of time before applying for Medicaid (usually at least three years). Divestment is a precaution some take to avoid 'spousal impoverishment' when all the family’s assets are spent before a sick family member can be eligible for Medicaid assistance. When arranging family matters, it will ease your survivors’ emotional burden if you let them know your preference for funeral or memorial arrangements. You can handle these matters yourself by planning through a non-profit cooperative memorial society or by prepaying at the funeral home of your choice. If you decide to pre-pay, be sure you or your survivors can cancel the contract should you move or change your mind. Planning ahead and using comparative shopping skills can save thousands of dollars in funeral expenses. PLANNING TO STAY INDEPENDENT It’s never too early to start retirement planning, and never too late to make adjustments in your financial situation. Whether wealthy or not--and it is probably more important for those who are not--investigating your options and making practical choices now can allow you to stay in charge and meet future financial goals. FOR MORE INFORMATION For additional information and brochures... Consumer Information Catalog Pueblo, CO 81009 Cooperative Extension Office--local office is listed under State, Federal or County Government in the phone directory American Association of Retired Persons Consumer Affairs, Program Department 1909 K Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20049 (202) 728-4355 Federal Trade Commission, Public Reference 6th and Pennsylvania Ave., N.W. Washington, DC 20580 (202) 326-2222 National Foundation for Consumer Credit 8701 Georgia Avenue, Suite 507 Silver Spring, MD 20910 (301) 589-5600 American Council of Life Insurance (ACLI) 1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20004-2599 (202) 624-2455 Health Insurance Association of America (HIAA) 1025 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington, DC 20036-3998 (202) 223-7780 Continental Association of Funeral and Memorial Societies, Inc. 7910 Woodmont Avenue Bethesda, MD 20814 (301) 913-0030 This is one of a series of brochures about building and maintaining a financial identity--both as an individual and as a partner in a two-income household. The series is about selecting and using financial services and service providers. It covers credit, investments, financial services, job benefits, and financial planning. Get Free Content at

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Enjoy Online Shopping and Save Money by Eric Akpore

With the increasing number of Internet users, the revolution called online shopping is fast catching up worldwide. In the U.S., U.K., Australia, etc. the trend of online shopping is popular since a decade or so now but this trend is fast catching up in other parts of the world too mainly Asian, Middle Eastern, and South African countries. The advent of online shopping signals the beginning of a new global trend. It is fast becoming a way of life and consumers find it very convenient to get goods at their doorsteps avoiding long queues. Online shoppers have great expectations, varying attitudes and wish for a hassle-free and safe online shopping experience. However, there is a different category of consumers too who only do their shopping research online but make their purchases offline. In spite of this segment of online shoppers or researchers, online shopping is here to stay. There are many channels of online shopping and e-shopping stores offer discount coupons, seasonal and festival discounts and promotional offers just like physical stores. Online shopping offers ease-of-use, convenience, time-saving, and money saving too. Online stores allow you to pay through various means like credit card, pay pal, cheque, Wire transfer, Postal money order, and some also offer cash on delivery too. There are various innovative e-commerce solutions that give consumers different channels where they can shop online. Consumers look for lowest prices and high-quality merchandise while shopping online. Comparison Shopping Comparison shopping is what all consumers love to do. They visit various online stores and compare prices, products, and user reviews before taking their buying decision. To save consumers from doing research on their own, comparisons shopping stores or comparison shopping search engines have become popular considerably. Comparison shopping search engines connects consumers with millions of merchants, retailers, small and large manufacturers, specialty shops, boutiques, and vendors. Consumers can view ratings of products and browse products by category. Popular comparison shop sites are Shopzilla, Froogle, Price Grabber, Yahoo Shopping, NexTag and more. Comparison shops compare products, prices, and list products available at lowest possible prices. Consumers buy from comparison shops, also called Comp shops, to get best bargains. Retailers and manufacturers want their products listed on comparison shops for low prices to get competitive advantage and to understand the competition out there. At comparison shops, consumers can buy any products like household products, apparel, home appliances, furniture, etc. at a price lower than market price. Usually comparison-shopping engines offer merchandise by other manufacturers and retailers etc, and earn commissions based on sales. Online auctions Online auctions sites are also a popular way to buy or sell new and used merchandise. Auction sites enable product manufacturers or retailers and consumers to sell or buy anything. Auction sites are very popular among consumers as they sometimes get goods at super cheaper prices. On auction site the buyer needs to place bids on the products and services listed. A minimum bid price is listed and the one who places the maximum bid price in the specified time limit is the winning bidder. Online auction sites are ideal for those who love adventurous shopping as it involves a certain amount of risk too. Usually the auction sites don't take the responsibility for items listed and buying and selling activity on the site. Another risk is the addiction to place bids, like gambling, even if the product is not required. At times sellers set a price at which he is willing to sell the product and if any user agrees to buy the product he need not bid and buy the product straightaway. One can bid easily from the convenience of home or office. Popular auction sites are eBay, Amazon, Yahoo and many others. Online Shopping Stores by Manufactures and Retailers There are millions of online stores where retailers or product manufacturers are selling products. Buying on these stores is safe in all respects. They give complete product information, shipping details and also offer product guarantee or warranty. Though such stores may not offer you best lowest possible price but they offer you least risk online shopping experience. Most branded manufacturers of jewelry, electronics, home appliances, designer purses, designer clothes, branded footwear have their own online stores. Manufacturers and retailers are making huge investments to give users a safe and friendly online shopping experience. Shopping online on reputed sites is perfectly safe and secure and they offer impressive delivery time too. Community or Group Buying Group buying is a new online shopping model in comparison to other online shopping models. Group buying sites provide the end users best bargains through volume buying. In a group buying or block buying model, sellers offer huge discounts when a certain number of people in a group buy the same product. Block buying or group buying is ideal for those who want to enjoy great savings through great bargains. This buying and selling model is advantageous to sellers as they can sell large number of products and make profits and thereby save on advertising and marketing costs significantly. More people in a block or group lead to better bargains. Consumers can do group buying at where buyers and sellers can create a block and add product/services details for free. Buyers can also view existing blocks and can join the block if they want to buy the same product. Buyerdom allows bargain hunters to buy products at lowest prices on the Internet. Almost all product categories are listed. For more information, visit About the Author Eric, President of has written many articles related to Block buying and this time writing article on Enjoy Online Shopping and Save Money.

Why everyone must know about money plan.

money plan = value of your self + responsibility
Money can make you to be proud of yourself when you can saving a lot of money. or you can make your dream come true ( around the world ,buy a big house, build your company or make your business)
a lot of men think a money is object we call "Goals" when i ask men what is importance about money ,men told "I'll buy a Sport car " i ask : Why u want to buy sport car ? he told me ,because many girl like it.
a lot of women think a money is "Values" or "Freedom" you can proud ,some people donate her money .you have Values in yourself
Do you understand? why everybody must to realize about Values in yourself and make responsibility of your life as well take care and saving your money and learn how to planning money.
Ps. you can learn A lot of how to saving money in my Blog

Financial Planning by Financial Planning

Financial planning Everyone needs money for his or her sustenance, comfort and old age. Does the hard earned money really used for this purpose? How many of us still try hard to make ends meet just to fulfill every months basic needs? When this is the case how can we save money from the meager income that we get? How much is really too much money? How can we grow or make optimal use of the finance that we normally handle? Questions like this cloud our minds most often as we fail to manage our finances efficiently. Who we are or how much we earn is of less concern as long as we can manage and plan our finances wisely. A pauper can become rich and a rich man can suddenly lose his wealth if his financial planning is improper. Usually people blame their stars for their misfortune. They go in search of astrologers who will live out of them by changing their names and houses. They find solace in blaming others be it God or stars for their backdrop. Insecurity and thoughts of one's future might lead to depression and frustration. "Make hay while the sunshine's" as the popular saying goes is the golden rule every human being should definitely follow. We earn to live happily with comforts but we forget to pay ourselves for all the hard work we put in. we pay for everything in this world, do we pay ourselves for the service we do to our family, nation and society. In the western countries they make it a habit to save 10% of their personal income for their own future use, a millionaire once said, "I am glad I am worth at least 10% of what I earn". Better late than never, just sit with a planner and take stock of where you are now. Jot down your financial position as of today. Set long time and short time goals in life and set a imeline to achieve that goal in time. Then carefully think about how you can achieve the goal and what you can do to go where you want to go. Attitude is very important in any major life changes that you might ncounter. Thus set your attitude as if you are planning a vacation. So you first decide the vacation spot, and then set out to make reservations, then pack your bag and then leave. Financial planning is just like your vacation planning. First you should fix your target, then make certain changes in your life style, like cutting down your pizza or sacrificing your cigars, then pack up or wind up your extra expenses and start the savings plan when that is dome just relax and enjoy the fruits of your unparallel and diplomatic achievement. Your money will start growing and so will your self-esteem and self-confidence and finally you are efficient and capable to finance your kids higher studies or retire peacefully with the recurring income from the timely savings. Financial planning provides the reassurance that your future in Canada and all around the world that secures you to live in the comfort as you would like. About the Author Financial planning provides the reassurance that your future in Canada and all around the world that secures you to live in the comfort as you would like.